Reiki Healing Bedfordshire

We offer in-person Reiki healing sessions in Bedfordshire, as well as distant healing across the globe. Our sessions will help you to heal, restore and balance the body and mind. Treatments at Into Nothing are carried out by George, a professional Reiki practitioner and member of the UK Reiki Federation. Sessions are tailored to each individual, and you can be sure to feel the benefits of your session with us.

Distant healing
  • Distant healing works just as well as an in-person session and can be carried out wherever you are in the world.

  • All you need is a device with video and sound, internet, and a quiet place where you can relax.

    £15 - 30 minute session

    £25 - 60 minute session
    £80 - Six 30 minute sessions
    £130 - Six 60 minute sessions

In-person session
  • We will meet and carry out an in-person Reiki healing session in our Reiki studio.

  • Please note that we are based in Bedfordshire and you will need to be within travelling distance. We may be able to travel to you, which we will be happy to discuss.

    £20 - 30 minute session

    £35 - 60 minute session
    £100 - Six 30 minute sessions
    £180 - Six 60 minute sessions

person using MacBook
person using MacBook

Our Services

Before your first session, we will discuss what you are looking to get out of Reiki, as well as any reasonable adjustments you may require. Please let us know if you feel there is anything we need to be aware of beforehand. Don't wory - we'll go through all of this with you in more detail.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle and non-invasive healing technique that promotes healing and relaxation. It involves channelling Universal Energy through the practitioner into the client. It's a holistic approach to healing which helps to heal and restore balance to the body, mind and spirit. Reiki works for everyone and has no religious affiliation - all you need is an open mind!

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person holding string lights

What happens during a session?

Reiki originated in Japan and there are many different types of Reiki. Here at Into Nothing we practice Usui Reiki. This form of Reiki originated from the teachings of Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and accounts for about 90% of Reiki practices used today. Mikao Usui commenced a personal search which ended at a point where he came in contact with Reiki energy. It was from this type of Reiki that many other types were developed. Usui Reiki encompasses four main aspects: hands-on healing, distant healing, self-healing, and spiritual development.

Reiki is commonly used to alleviate stress, promote relaxation, reduce pain, and improve overall well-being. It helps to release blockages and restore the body's natural healing abilities. It's a holistic approach that addresses not only physical but also mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of health.

Other benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Reduces stress, over-thinking, anxiety and depression

  • Helps to relax and calm the receipent, leaving them feeling at peace

  • Reduces physical pain and accelerates the bodies natural healing abilities

  • Improves sleep and boosts your levels of energy

  • Improves mental clarity and focus

  • Helps you along your spiritual journey, helping you feel present and connected

Reiki treats the whole of the individual - mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is widely used as a complementary therapy in many healthcare settings and is increasingly gaining recognition for its holistic healing properties.

What are the benefits?

Our sessions can be carried out in-person or virtually (known as distant healing). Sessions can last anything from 30 to 60 minutes. During a Reiki session, the practitioner places their hands lightly on or slightly above the recipient's body, allowing the energy to flow through them. The practitioner acts as a channel, directing the Universal Life Force energy to the recipient, helping to unblock and balance their energy.

We carry out our Reiki sessions in a peaceful and calming environment, helping you to relax and to cultivate healing. Once you register your interest, we will be in touch and carry out a free consultation over the phone, addressing anything in particular you'd like to work on, and to find out if there is anything else you feel we should be aware of.

Where does Reiki come from?

Discover Peace

Cultivates relaxation and reduces stress, allowing you to enter into the space of inner peace. Reiki helps to balance the energy in the body, promoting physical and emotional healing.

Improve health

Enhances the body's natural healing abilities, boosting the immune system and accelerating recovery. Helps to release energy blockages and restore the flow of vital life force energy.

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silhouette of person sitting on bench near body of water during daytime
a man with his eyes closed standing in front of trees
a man with his eyes closed standing in front of trees
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silhouette photography of person
Elevating Consciousness

Effective tool for personal growth and spiritual development. Helps you to connect with your higher self, gain clarity, and align with life's purpose for you.

The Benefits of Reiki

Register for Reiki

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orange smoke on blue background