About Into

Into Nothing is a company founded in 2023 by George Karaiskou. Currently our main focus is to provide Reiki healing services to individuals seeking relief from emotional or physical discomfort, or to anyone who wants to experience the potential energy healing can have. Through the practice of balancing energy, we aim to assist our clients in achieving a state of harmony and well-being. Through our free mailing list, we offer teachings and guidance on how to live in the present moment, surrendering to the flow of life, and letting go of attachments that block us from who we truly are. Our ultimate goal is to help individuals unblock themselves, allowing them to embrace their true nature and be at One with Life. As we continue to grow, our intention is to expand our range of services, offering even more ways for individuals to experience healing and self-discovery.

green grass field during sunset
green grass field during sunset

Our Work

Cultivate the art of surrender and living in the moment. Embark on a transformative journey towards Oneness.

Expand Your Consciousness

Experience, Heal and Grow

Embrace the Journey

Offering healing servies and support to anyone who is on the path to heal, learn and grow. Healing starts from within. We are here with you on this incredible journey.

Unlock the limitless potential within you and expand your consciousness to new realms of understanding and awareness.


Meet the

Hello! My name is George and I'm the founder of Into Nothing. After battling with addiction and alcoholism for many years, I finally reached a state of surrender and began the inner work on myself, resulting in a transformative spiritual awakening. Since then, I have been committed to rediscovering the true essence of Being, which led me to receiving my level one and level two Usui Reiki certificates and becoming a professional Reiki practitioner. I'm also a member of the UK Reiki Federation. Through living life in a state of presence and awareness, by not getting consumed by the energies of thoughts and feelings, and through the continous surrender to any resistance that may arise, I realised that we can live in harmony, be in peace, and be at One with Life. We are all connected, regardless of who we are, where we are from, and our past actions. Right here, right now, we are all part of something far greater and far more beautiful than our minds could ever comprehend. This is the unifying One Consciousness. The Oneness of life. The I Am.

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